The Golf Physiotherapy & Mobility | GOLFWOD
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golf: pain free! 
the new pt app is here to help you golf great!

Fix Injuries, Aches and Pains...

Get Flexible for Golf (in as little as 5 minutes!)

Move better than ever and become a Golf Swing ACE.

GOLFWOD PT is your handheld Golf Physiotherapist and Movement Coach and will help you build consistency, create new habits and play better Golf than ever before!

You know the feeling... that effortless Swing where you hit it flush and don't feel a thing... that's your body moving at one with the club and you hit the shot exactly the way you want to - it's an awesome feeling!

But hitting ball after ball can't guarantee this feeling and often fails, but getting your body to be flexible and unrestricted in your Golf Swing gives you the opportunity to make the same effortless swing every single time!

You'll also feel better than ever, improve in every aspect of your life and then shoot better scores. This is Golf: Pain Free.

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stretch, move and play with freedom.

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Injury Rehab & Prehab.

Clinically Proven!

Flexibility & Mobility.

New ACE Protocol.

Warm Ups & Drills.

From as little as 5 Minutes!

Fully Guided Programs.

Download the App for your 7 Day Free Trial:


Clinical Quick Fixes.

Body Part Specifics.

Designed by PGA Pro's.

Injury proof your body!

Swing Fault Fixes.

Golf: Pain Free!

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Hit Download now to create your Membership and get a 7 Day Free Trial, you can cancel at any time.

Need more Help? Contact the Team at any time so we can Golf Strong Together. 



injuries happen, and it might be your swing...

The Golf Swing, and to be honest, the modern lifestyle, are likely putting pressure and stress on your body that is impacting your Posture, Rotation, Ball Striking and literally how you feel each and everyday.


But not knowing how to improve, without spending huge amounts of money hitting the clinic each week, is what is really holding you back on and off the course.


Not any more. GOLFWOD PT is designed to help every single golfer move with Freedom and that starts with fixing or preventing injuries and restrictions.


Designed by Elite Physiotherapists, PGA Pro's and Golf Fitness Specialists, these protocols will help you feel and move better almost instantly! Boosting your Flexibility, unlocking your Golf Swing and helping you feel your best every time you tee it up! 


Now is the time Golf: Pain Free!

member reviews:

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Ben, UK

'I've been a GOLFWOD Member for years and adding in the PT App has been incredible. I feel better than ever, my training has improved and my Golf Swing feels incredible!'


Kavita, USA

'I love PT. it makes stretching for golf super simple and always fits into my day. Feels so good to get to the course with confidence in my body to play my best.'

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Jared, USA

'The new video layout is so cool and makes following the movements even easier than before. Stretching for Golf has always been something I knew I should do, but with PT, I actually get it done. Big win.'

Stretching for all levels.

Specific Programs.

PGA Swing Tips.

Move with ease!

Save hundreds $$$

Designed for your Swing.

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how any golfer can stretch and mobilise with consistency!

We all know Flexibility is huge for Golf, but are you getting it done?


Too often, the answer is no but now, with the GOLFWOD PT App, you have proven, simple Stretching and Mobility Protocols specifically designed for your Swing that start from as little as 5 minutes a day...


You can do that and you should do that because when your Body moves better, your Flexibility increase and you can be consistent with your Swing technique, good things are going to happen!


Effortless Swings, great Ball Striking and the feel good factor every time you address the ball... Know is the time to get Flexible for Golf.


Why are our protocols different? Because we design them with PGA Professionals and Elite Physios who know how the body works, know how you can apply it to the Swing and also how to get you applying them with consistency. That is why PT is your secret weapon to your best Golf ever!


so what is ace? the future.

Advanced Corrective Exercise.

Want to be a Golf Swing ACE? This is how you set your body up for success now and long into the future!

ACE is our new training paradigm:

- 20 minutes or Less
- Bodyweight, Band & Cable or Loaded progressions.
- Golf Swing Specific Movement Patterns.

- Low intensity, high reward.
- Follow along all season long.

This is Mobility, Working Out, Longevity and Technical all in one protocol and when you experience it, you will never look back.

Become a Golf Swing ACE, shoot lower scores and always have confidence in your Golf Swing!


Start with Zero Equipment.

Structured Protocols.

Swing Specific designs.

20 Minutes or less!

Link Body to Swing.

Make Real Progress!

Download the App for your 7 Day Free Trial:


You can get flexible, you can improve, you can play golf: pain free!

Decide today to take action, to build habits and to set yourself up to play better Golf.


With GOLFWOD PT you have all of the tools you need to reduce Injuries, get Flexible and move like a Golf Swing ACE.


Not only that, you have the best user experience in Golf Fitness & Wellness, can do your Movement Practice anywhere, any time and you will save a huge amount of money going to Chiropractors, Physios and Golf Coaches who can't help you the way that PT can.


Improve your Body, link it to your Golf Swing and always play with confidence.


This is Golf: Pain Free.

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